M7.8 – IVO Salton Sea, Imperial County, CA
Preliminary Earthquake Report
Magnitude 7.8
* 11 May 2015 12:32:09 UTC
* 11 May 2015 05:32:09 PDT near epicenter
Location 33.35 N 115.71 W
Depth 7 km
* 92 km (57 mi) SE of Palm Springs, California
* 64 km (40 mi) NNW of El Centro, California
* 134 km (83 mi) ESE of Temecula, California
* 108 km (67 mi) WSW of Blythe, California
* 153 km (95 mi) NE of San Diego, California
* 125 km (77 mi) NW of Yuma, Arizona
Location Uncertainty Horizontal: 0.3 km; Vertical 0.4 km
Parameters Nph = 18; Dmin = ; Rmss = 0.48 seconds; Gp = Version = 2
Event ID ca 11521149
For updates, maps, and technical information, see: Event Page <https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/eventpage/ca11521149> or USGS Earthquake Hazards Program <https://earthquake.usgs.gov> California Technical University, Earthquake Information Center Geophysical Institute
Disclaimer <https://sslearthquake.usgs.gov/ens/help.html?page=help#disclaimer>
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