Time: Wednesday, March 23, 11am – 12 pm PDT
- USGS Hazards Data Distribution System Explorer, Brenda Jones, USGS
- NOAA nowCOAST GIS-Web Mapping Portal to Near-Real-Time Weather & Ocean Data, Warnings, and Forecasts (Map Viewer & Web Map Services)
John G.W. Kelley, NOAA/NOS/Coast Survey Development Lab
Jason Greenlaw, NOAA/NOS/Coast Survey Development Lab
Please join us for this 1 hour educational webinar to see presentations by the USGS and NOAA on these invaluable Public Safety resources. Both resources were used in last year’s Ardent Sentry 15 (DOD)/California Capstone 15 (CalOES/SoCal Ex 15 (FEMA) Earthquake Exercise.
John Kelly, NOAA scientist, will present the latest developments regarding NOAA’s Now Coast Realtime Weather GIS/WEB services. This information portal offer both a user friendly web map of a wide range of real-time weather services, as well as, as listing of weather map services in formats that are easy to integrate into many of the common operational picture tools we now use.
The second presentation will be from Brenda Jones, USGS, who will describe their Hazards Data Distribution System (HDDS) Explorer; many of its functionalities; process to get authenticated and wealth of imagery and other geospatial datasets. “USGS Emergency Response strives to ensure that the disaster response community has rapid access to timely, accurate, and relevant geospatial imagery, products, and services before, during, and after a disaster.”
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