For the CA Clearinghouse, the purpose of this exercise is to raise awareness of the complexities of responding to an earthquake, and tsunamis and aftershocks, that will impact multiple states and FEMA regions simultaneously. This exercise will simulate the early stages of California Earthquake Clearinghouse response to a major earthquake affecting the west coast, and Pacific region, of the United States, including California. Many have asked if the Clearinghouse will have a physical location activated for theexercise? In keeping with what we expect in a real event, the answer is no, because it will take the Clearinghouse time to ramp up, and procure the resources we need to operate, including a location to host the Clearinghouse. However, through the use of the virtual capabilities we have been developing, we expect to be operational and sharing scientific and engineering information about the events, even without a physical location. In addition, each participating organization is entirely self-directed, so all should use the exercise as an opportunity to consider how you will conduct your response to a Cascadia-type multi-state earthquake, specifically: how sharing scientific and engineering information can be used to improve situational awareness and response capabilities; how you coordinate with federal, state, municipal, and other entities, involved in response to a Cascadia earthquake; and, how information sharing can enhance our abilities to understand interdependence of critical infrastructure and improve regional resiliency.
You will view and share Essential Elements of Information with the following applications connected to the Clearinghouse XchangeCore: ArcGIS Online with XchangeCore Connector, Web EOC, and SpotOnResponse. In addition, you will be able to view in formation on Google Earth from applications connected with XchangeCore.
What do you need to know?
- This is a Functional Exercise i.e. you will play from your desk top; you will not actually go anywhere
- Exercise runs Monday, June 6-10, 2016, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PDT
- Monday, June 6, 9:00 a.m. Pacific clearinghouse allied agency call-down
- Monday June 6, 10:30-12:30 Exercise preview highlights WebEx (see below for details)
- List of Speakers (see attached)
- Tuesday through Thursday, June 7-9, all day, play along, create simulated incident reports, view information
- Friday, June 10, 10:00 a.m. Pacific ,Exercise Debriefing and Lessons Learned for developing plans for USGS HayWired and National Guard Vigilant Guard exercises, Fall 2016
- WebEx (TBD)
- Thursday, June 16, 9:00 a.m. Pacific XchangeCore WebEx – Clearinghouse exercise highlights (WebEx TBD)
- Participation should take no more than 5-10 minutes, each time
- If you have not yet done so, become a Clearinghouse member
- We would appreciate it if you could participate at least twice per day, each day. However, any level of participation is appreciated and welcome.
- Choose which tool to use (you do not need to use all tools) and review step-by-step directions
- Use SpotOnResponse to add and view incidents and updates, and be notified of important announcements throughout the exercise.
- See SpotOnResponse Exercise Participation Directions (attached)
- The SpotOnResponse User’s Guide is found here:
- Use Google Earth (view only, you cannot add incidents in Google Earth) See Clearinghouse Exercise Participation Directions for: Google Earth (attached)
- Watch video previewing a hands-on training session we will conduct over the summer on how to use the XchangeCore connector with ArcGIS Online. EERI demonstrates data sharing capabilities with observations collected during the South Napa Earthquake. Information collected from California Clearinghouse participants during the South Napa Earthquake was published through ArcGIS online immediately after the earthquake. During the training, we show how this data can be transferred to XchangeCore using the XchangeCore Connector for ArcGIS online, and how information stored in XchangeCore, specifically SpotOnResponse incident data, can be incorporated into the existing Napa earthquake map
- Use SpotOnResponse to add and view incidents and updates, and be notified of important announcements throughout the exercise.
CALL 1-866-743-7935, passcode 5812528, T-W-Th, 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. or1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. PDT or contact: