The California Earthquake Clearinghouse is pleased to announce that the After-Action Report for California Earthquake Clearinghouse participation in both the CA National Guard Vigilant Guard-17 exercise and the FEMA Region 10 “Cascadia Rising” National Level Exercise, is now available for download.
Click here to view and download the report.
Highlights of the report include Lessons Learned on:
- Coordinating multi-state, multi-FEMA region, earthquake and tsunami response
- Cross-sector coordination: how scientific and engineering information about impacts of damaging earthquakes enhances response activities related to interdependencies of critical infrastructure, and improved regional resilience
- Improving processes and procedures for enhanced interoperability and integration with federal, state, local, NGO Clearinghouse partners
- Real-time, two-way, sharing of critical elements of information, including field observations, incidents, on-line maps, across different platforms and technologies, through Clearinghouse XchangeCore-connected applications, including Arc GIS Online, Google Earth, Web EOC and SpotOnResponse
Accessing mutual aid resources through the use of Emergency Management Assistance Compact Mission Ready Package process - Leveraging existing federal resources, including USGS Hazards Data Distribution Service, and NASA damage and loss estimation modeling and remote sensing capabilities
Download the Clearinghouse VG 17 participation timeline and activities document or continue reading below for more details on the exercise.
Contact with questions.
Event Details (Exercise)
A magnitude 7.8 earthquake strikes on Monday November 14, 2016 at 05:32 (PST) along the San Andreas Fault from Bombay Beach at the edge of the Salton Sea in the south to Lake Hughes northwest of Palmdale in the north, rupturing 186 miles (300 km) of the fault. Shaking advances into Bakersfield, Oxnard, and Santa Barbara.
A magnitude 6.0 aftershock occurs on Monday November 14, 2016 at 06:05 (PST) near the Salton Sea and ruptures to the south.
Schedule of Clearinghouse Participation
- Simulated M7.8 earthquake on San Andreas Fault, with epicenter located between Salton Sea and Lake Hughes
- Begin reporting and viewing simulated damage using Clearinghouse SpotOnResponse, FieldNotes, or other tool
- Clearinghouse status update call-down 14:00 (call-in number will be distributed morning 11-14-16)
- Continue reporting and viewing simulated damage using Clearinghouse SpotOnResponse, FieldNotes, or other tool
- Clearinghouse personnel co-located with CA National Guard at a number of locations in N. and S. CA (Beale AFB, Castaic, Camarillo, Sherman Oaks)
- Continue reporting and viewing simulated damage using Clearinghouse SpotOnResponse, FieldNotes, or other tool
- Clearinghouse personnel co-located with CA National Guard at a number of locations in N. and S. CA (Beale AFB, Castaic, Camarillo, Sherman Oaks)
- Visit the Clearinghouse in person 09:00 – 17:00 at Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Center (see map and address)
- Clearinghouse Overflights from Los Alamitos
- Clearinghouse afternoon briefing 15:00, available via webex (webex and call-in information will be distributed morning 11-16-16). This will be similar to the briefings conducted by the Clearinghouse in the 2014 M6.0, S. Napa earthquake, and will include reports from (1) Clearinghouse personnel on overflights, (2) Clearinghouse personnel in the field, and (3) additional Clearinghouse Field locations or organizational partners.
- Clearinghouse exercise highlights webex (webex and call in information will be distributed morning 11-17-16)
- Hear highlights from Clearinghouse partners participating in the exercise : USGS, EERI, NASA, XchangeCore, Utilities, etc.
- Learn about, and discuss, information sharing capabilities, processes, workflows, use cases, questions, demonstrations, etc. used by Clearinghouse to improve situational awareness
- Debriefing on Clearinghouse participation in National Guard Vigilant Guard exercise. (call in number will be distributed morning 11-18-16)
- Provide feedback to help us improve our capabilities
Exercise Instructions
This is a Functional Exercise, which means that, at a minimum, you can play from your desktop without physically going anywhere. Participation should take no more than 5-10 minutes for each run. You may add information and view the exercise at any time of day or night. We would appreciate it if you could participate at least twice per day, each day. However, any level of participation is appreciated and welcome.
The Clearinghouse is focusing on the Cajon Pass Area to better understand the importance of interdependencies among critical infrastructures. See event details and the map above to get an overview of the expected damage and better inform your participation.
Choose which tool to use (you do not need to use all tools) and review step-by-step directions bhttps://californiaeqclearinghouse.orgSORUserGuidev4r1-2.pdf” rel=””>Getting Started with SpotOnResponse v2